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RealTracks Artist Bio: Dave Francis

Veteran bass player Dave Francis is a regular in the Nashville studio scene as an all-round electric and upright bass player who is also an accomplished vocalist and acoustic guitar player. He is best known for his work with LeRoy Parnell, but is often busy making recordings and demos with emerging independent artists like Eldon Hunt, Rachel Rodriguez, Ty England, Shawna Russell, Tyler Stock, Charis Thorsell, Dianna McNolty, Ywain (Trison Stevens), Tim Gurshin, Frankie Moreno, David James, Jenny Yates, Candace Asher, The Lost Trailers, Stephanie Walker, Jefferson Pepper, Joni Harms, Marc Kuchner, Steve Conn, Will Smith (Producer), Bo Riddle, and many more. Dave's versatility is demonstrated in the variety of his credits with projects like Susan Anders' "Singing With Style" (Jazz), Reggae for Kitara Psalm Sixty-Eight, Rock, Pop, and Hip Hop with producer Will Smith's studio band, or Traditional Folk and Irish Folk for The Folkscene Collection and Maura O'Connell.

Dave earns thanks and praise not only for his great playing, but also for the support and mentoring he gives to upcoming artists.

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