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RealTracks Artist Bio: Gene Rabbai

Piano, organ, and keyboard player Gene Rabbai has played with Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Jimmy Griffin (of Bread), and Vince Gill, while also operating Studio A, a busy demo studio in Hendersonville, Tennessee, a suburb of Nashville.

Rabbai is enthusiastic about encouraging and developing new talent, engaging the best Music City talent to support the artists who come to him looking to break in to the highly competitive recording industry. Sometimes a chart-topping hit results, such as "Broken Wing," recorded by LeAnn Rimes after Gene sent her Dave Nowlen′s demo.

Country music is the backbone of Gene Rabbai′s playing and producing, with excursions into Hip-Hop, Rock ′n′ Roll, Heavy Rock, and Gospel. His CD release Yosemite Soundscapes is ambient all-synthesizer music dedicated to Ansel Adams and his work on preserving the Yosemite National Park. Gene has also had releases in Brazil, home of his wife Yoko.

Gene Rabbai plays these RealTracks:

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