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RealTracks Artist Bio: Alejandro Fatur

Alejandro Fatur is a versatile artist combining his expertise as a physicist, recording engineer, and accomplished multi-instrumentalist. Proficient in playing guitars, flutes, charangos, sikus, antaras, and various other instruments, he has the ability to create mesmerizing duets, trios, and quartets—all skillfully performed by himself.

In addition to his solo work, Alejandro has contributed to various musical ensembles. Notable collaborations include a duo with Jorge Shitu, songwriting ventures with Marcelo Zapata, and a significant role in the acclaimed group LA FRAGUA.

Alejandro's music has been featured in television programs, including broadcasts on Canal 13, Telefé, Discovery Channel, and BBC. Notably, in 1998, he and La Fragua performed before the presidents of Argentina and the United States and their entourage at the prestigious Llao Llao Hotel.

Having produced an impressive collection of 12 CDs to date, Alejandro continues to showcase his ongoing dedication to creating and sharing his music.

You can find additional details about Alejandro Fatur at:

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