PowerTracks Pro Audio 2025 Features
PowerTracks Pro Audio is a full-featured, multi-track music sequencing and digital audio recording program. PowerTracks Pro Audio includes powerful and unique features such as: The Audio Chord Wizard, which automatically and accurately figures out the chords from MP3/WMA/WAV audio files, RealDrums which allow you to instantly generate audio drum tracks that are real recordings of drummers - not single drum hit samples but full recordings lasting 1 to 8 bars, and more!

New Features in PowerTracks 2024
There are over 30 new features to PowerTracks 2024, including 256 available tracks, 32 VSTi/DXi synth instances, modern color scheme for some windows, new arrow buttons to change the current time, chord symbols to display in the Track window, 48 tracks to display in the Mixer, the ability to hide any extra masters or auxes in the Mixer, improved handling of VU levels in the Track window, better VU levels display when recording to mono tracks, and much more!
Summary of New Features
The number of tracks has increased to 256, which is more than 5 times the previous maximum of 48 tracks.
There are now 32 available VSTi/DXi synth instances instead of 16.
The new up/down arrows next to the time indicator on the tool bar will increase/decrease the current time by 1 tick.
The following windows now have a more modern color scheme that matches the modern toolbar icon sets.
- Tracks window
- Mixer window
- Audio Edit window
The icons for non-floating windows that were redundant and took up space at the bottom of the area are now hidden from view.
Some windows like Meter Map, Tempo Map, Sysex, etc. have a moderately darker look.
The two new commands in the right-click menu of the Tracks window allow you to:
- Increase or decrease the volume of the selected area of a track by using gain nodes, but without having to manually enter them in the gain node area of the track.
- Fade-in or Fade-out a section using gain nodes, without having to manually enter them in the gain node area of the track.
The Time Line at the top of the Tracks window will show chord symbols for regular chords (non-MicroChords).
Holding the Alt key while pressing the Play Region button in the Tracks window will play the selected area of the current track regardless of whether the track was muted or not.
There is a new "Copy/Move highlighted area of current track to another track" command in the right-click menu of the Tracks window. It makes it easier for "comping" which is to create a track that is a composite of different takes/tracks. It's a quick way to move/copy to a destination track without having to first cut/copy and then paste.
The Mixer can now display up to 48 tracks at a time instead of 24, if the computer monitor resolution supports it.
The "Hide extra auxes/masters" checkbox in the Mixer window, when checked, will automatically hide any extra masters or auxes beyond the highest used master and highest used aux.
The Grid lines submenu in the right click menu of the Tracks window and Audio Edit window will now display a checkmark on the menu item of the current setting.
The Quarter Triplets setting is added to the Grid Lines submenu in the right-click menu of the Tracks window and the Audio Edit window.
The right-click menu that pops up when you click on the nodes area in the Tracks window has a new command to erase all the gain nodes in the highlighted area.
VU levels displayed in the overview section of the Tracks window now better handle the situation of recording multiple tracks of audio simultaneously. PowerTracks will now display the correct VU levels for higher tracks within a group of tracks being recorded at the same time, rather than always displaying the same VU levels for higher tracks as the first track in the group of tracks being recorded.
When recording to mono tracks, the VU levels shown in the overview section of the Tracks window during recording will be the specific VU levels for the input channel of the track being recorded. Also, if L+R is selected as the Input Channel for Mono Tracks in audio settings, and you are recording a group of tracks at the same time (e.g., multiple inputs ports selected in ASIO Drivers dialog), then each track in the group of tracks being recorded will have the correct VU levels shown for its specific input channel (either left or right channel) in the overview section of the Tracks window
The floating VU Meters window will display the input and output for all ports that were selected in the Audio Drivers dialog and not just for Input 1 and Output 1.
Tip of the Day is now a floating window that can stay on screen rather than a modal dialog.
When dragging a section of audio or MIDI within the Tracks window or a section of audio within the Audio Edit window, you'll see either the audio waveform or MIDI overview during dragging rather than just a rectangle during dragging.
… and more!
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