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RealBand® 2021 for Windows® User’s Guide
Appendix B: Keystroke Commands
F1 |
Opens help file |
Ctrl+G |
Generate/regenerate track |
Spacebar |
Play/Stop |
P |
play |
Ctrl+P |
Play from start |
R |
Record |
Ctrl+R |
Record from start |
S |
Stop |
W |
Rewind to beginning |
Ctrl+M |
Mutes current track |
Ctrl+U |
Unmutes current track |
[ and ] |
Decrease/increase tempo by 5 |
Ctrl+minus sign |
changes playback speed to half speed |
Ctrl+equal sign |
changes playback speed from half speed to full speed |
F5 |
Tempo |
F6 |
Go to time |
F9 |
Panic |
F11 |
GS Settings |
Shift+F11 |
Select DLL or EXE |
F3 |
Open file |
F4 |
Save file |
Shift+F8 |
Open next file |
Shift+Ctrl+F8 |
Open previous file |
Ctrl+F5 |
Preferences dialog |
T |
Notation Window Options dialog |
I |
Print Options dialog |
Ctrl+X |
Edit Cut dialog |
Ctrl+C |
Edit Copy dialog |
Ctrl+V |
Edit Paste dialog |
F7 |
From = Now |
F8 |
Thru = Now |
Ctrl+F7 |
From = Value |
Alt+F7 |
Now = From |
Ctrl+F8 |
Thru = Value |
Alt+F8 |
Now = Thru |
Ctrl+1 |
Tracks window |
Ctrl+2 |
Bars window |
Ctrl+3 |
Chords window |
Ctrl+4 |
Tempo Map window |
Ctrl+5 |
Comments window |
Ctrl+6 |
SysEx window |
Ctrl+7 |
Guitar window |
Ctrl+8 |
Mixer window |
Ctrl+9 |
Classic Tracks view |
Alt+F2 |
New Notation window |
Shift+F2 |
New Big Lyrics window. |
Ctrl+F2 |
New Audio Edit window. |
Ctrl+Alt+P |
New Piano Roll Window |
F2 |
Event List window |
L |
Toggles lyric entry mode |
O |
Sets duration of inserted notes to whole |
H |
Sets duration of inserted notes to half |
Q |
Sets duration of inserted notes to quarter |
8 |
Sets duration of inserted notes to 8th |
6 |
Sets duration of inserted notes to 16th |
3 |
Sets duration of inserted notes to 32nd |
4 |
Sets duration of inserted notes to 64th |
1 |
Sets duration of inserted notes to 128th |
A or Ctrl+A |
Sets duration of inserted notes to be automatic |
Ctrl+Z |
Deletes the last notes entered |
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