Band-in-a-Box - Video Testimonials

Brian Parham, Founder of Rock Dojo: Get a Black Belt in Rock!

Band-in-a-Box is an evolutionary step forward for music education. My students love it because they get to play and perform with the best musicians around the world. I love it because it cuts my lesson preparation time in half and its audio quality is superior to anything else on the market today.
Whether you're a new guitar instructor or a seasoned professional, Band-in-a-Box will make your lessons better!  - Brian Parham

Brian began playing the guitar at the tender age of 26. Since then, he has never looked back! He's the author of three guitar method books for kids and the founder of the Rock Dojo, a martial-arts inspired after-school guitar program for kids. Brian is on a mission is to provide every elementary school student in the Greater Portland Metro with the opportunity to learn to play the guitar by 2025!

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Brian Parham is also an endorser.

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