Band-in-a-Box - Video Testimonials

Charlie Fogle, Songwriter & Performer

Band-in-a-Box allows me to be part producer, part artist, a programmer, a better songwriter and is all the fun i could ever ask for!  - Charlie Fogle

Professional songwriter based out of the small town of Nichols, South Carolina had his first original song copy writed over 50 years ago and has been busy writing songs ever since.

Charlie performed with and wrote songs while playing in the band Angel Oak throughout the 1970's releasing two singles with the group. He is an active home recording enthusiast and has maintained a home recording studio since 1968 constantly updating equipment, hardware and evolving into the digital recording world including the suite of Band-in-a-Box products.

A self-taught musician and producer, Charlie retired from his day job in 2010 and now devotes several hours a day enjoying his state of the art digital studio and browsing and chatting in the Band-in-a-Box forum.

Charlie has acquired many instruments over the past 50 years and still owns the first acoustic guitar he ever purchased as well as a rare, vintage Gibson Double Neck Guitar that was featured on Antiques Roadshow in 2010.

Learn more about Charlie:
Charlie Fogle - Music on SoundClick

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