Band-in-a-Box - Video Testimonials

Wayne Paulo, Singer/Songwriter

Band-in-a-Box was inspiration in my recovering!  - Wayne Paulo

Wayne started singing in the late '60s. He was a songwriter, had a studio, and was producing vinyl records at the time, he left it behind to start a career in photography. He has written an autobiography about this, Nearly Famous.

Wayne needed to create some music, and a friend of his told him about Band-in-a-Box. It was the answer to his dream of going back into music! He released his first Country Album, "Wayne my own kinda Country" on iTunes the day before he had to go into Hospital.

Unfortunately, he had a Stroke and it left him with Apraxia; he couldn't talk and write when he was first came out. Wayne started practicing to talk, but he needed more inspiration to sing again. Using Band in a Box, he created the song you hear in this testimonial. Wayne finds that it's helping him on the way to recovering. He says, "I wouldn't have done this without Band in a Box, thank you!"

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