Endorsing Artists

See what these artists have to say about Band-in-a-Box!

Benoît Sauvé, Professional Jazz Recorder Player

Band in a Box was and still is an essential instrument in my professional career of a musician and in my learning of Jazz. I keep using it everyday. I believe that this is THE Program of reference and a Must Have for every musician who wishes to work improvisation... and so much more other things in an efficient way   - Benoît Sauvé

Benoît SAUVÉ, a self taught musician, has been practising the recorder since he was eight. He first took a keen interest in Rock and Celtic music. When he is a teenager, he discovers Jazz and is seized by a compulsive desire to study it. Considered as one of the very rare recorder players in Jazz, he can be heard in the biggest festivals and theatres.

Benoît Sauvé Website

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