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MIDI Styles Set 65: Requested 7

Yes, we do take requests and thanks to your suggestions in the Styles Wishlist forum, we've come up with a great new mixed set of styles covering genres like 80s and 90s Rock, Hardcore Punk, Reggae/Ska, Pop, and Jazz. Includes styles like PinkF1.sty, Britny3.sty, RonnyJ.sty, Slackr2.sty, PerlJ.sty, and more.

  • BakBeat - Ev.8, 80s Rock [BAKBEAT.STY]

    This medium-tempo Rock style features driving drums (with congas) and bass lines in sync with the Piano bass. The Muted Electric Guitar plays an short-note ostinato throughout. At B, the Piano changes to electric piano, the drums add Tambourine and the bass plays a dotted quarter, eighth pattern. T=100-140

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  • Blues 3/4 - Jazz sw. waltz [BLUES34.STY]

    This 3/4 Jazz swing style features un-busy Acoustic Piano (with chord embellishments turned on), Acoustic String Bass in a 'one' feel with some fills, and brushes. At B, the brushes are replaced by standard drums, add Jazz Guitar on short comps and very quiet strings. T=110-180

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  • Bossa NY - Contemporary Bossa [BOSANY.STY]

    This medium tempo Bossa has smooth, slightly sophisticated Jazz flavor. The bass and drums are unobtrusive, as is the piano comping. The drums feature the brushes set and a soft cabasa plays 8ths. The Nylon Guitar plays off-beat pushes in a contempporary Brazilian-style. The piano typically plays fills near the end of 2 bar phrases. The Slow Strings are vey quiet when they enter at 'b'. T=110-170

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  • DjanFast - Fast, 40s swing [DJANFST.STY]

    This swing-Jazz Style - (2 acoustic guitars with ryhthm section) was very popular in the 30s and 40s - especially in France. In many cases, the 2-guitars with acoustic bass and brushes was sufficient, however often an acoustic piano was added for a slightly more North American sound. In this case, the piano plays a very sparse and unobtrusive comp. The bass plays in 2 at 'a' and in 4 at 'b', with short non-sustaining notes - a style that was prevalent in that era.The 2 guitars play a basic 4-to-the-bar comp throughout. T=250-350

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  • Easy Country 3/4 - Country waltz [EZCTY34.STY]

    This is a very peaceful and un-busy Country 3/4 style with brushes, electric bass in 'one', 2 acoustic guitars with 'nice 'n easy' strumming, and acoustic piano playing a simple and sustained comp. T=60-100

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  • Funky 2 - Ev.16 Pop-Rock funk [FUNKY2.STY]

    This high-energy style has some contemporary Pop, Hip-Hop groove elements. The drum instrument is Power Drums, featuring a repeated syncopated rhythm played by the electric snare and Atmosphere. The shaker, cabasa, and bongos play 16ths. The Slap Bass plays short punches with lots of space and the Electric Piano plays a sparse comp. There's lots of space for vocals (or instrumentals) and yet the intensity level is high. At B, add handclaps and more intensity. T=115-140

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  • Gritty - 4 ToTheBar shuffle [GRITTY.STY]

    This up-tempo swing 8ths style had an implied shuffle feel and features a tight rhythmic sound with brushes at A and Standard Drums at B. The Bass uses Muted Electric Guitar on short four-to-the-bar roots. The piano, muted guitar and acoustic guitar play short four-to-the-bar comps - giving the style a gritty-lowdown mood. At B, the drums change to sticks and the Acoustic Guitar changes to Clean Electric Guitar. T=120-200

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  • Guitar 3/4 - Gentle 3/4 Folk [GUIT34.STY]

    This Folk Style features 2 finger-style guitars (Nylon and Acoustic) in a medium-up 3/4 (waltz) tempo. The A section mainly features the 2 guitars playing 8th note arpeggios. At B, the acoustic Bass, soft brushes and strings are added. T=110-150

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  • Islands - Slow 12/8, 60's Pop [ISLANDS.STY]

    A 12/8 style has 4 main beats per bar. Each beat is subdivided into 3 beats of eighth note triplets - resulting in 12 eighth note triplets beats per bar. The overall feel of the style is restful with the brushes playing fairly quietly at 'a'. The piano plays quiet, triplet chords, the acoustic guitar plays triplet arpeggios and the Poly-Synth plays a soft pad. At 'b' the drums go to sticks with a more intense back-beat approach. T=55-90

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  • New Shuffle - Med-up sw.8 Shuffl [NEWSHUF.STY]

    In this rompin' contemporary shuffle-swing style, the Jazz Electric Guitar plays off-beat triplets, the Bright Piano comps, the Finger Electric Bass plays in '4' throughout, the Brass Section plays fills on bars 3 & 4 of each phrase. T=110-160

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  • Polka 6 - Polka 2-beat dance sty [POLKA6.STY]

    This is a contemporary Polka style - notable for the absence of an accordion. Traditionally, the accordion is extremely common in the world of Polka's, however, this version uses Piano, Acoustic Bass, Acoustic Guitar, and Vibes at 'b'. The drums play brushes at 'a' and switch to sticks at 'b'. T=150-260

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  • Psyk 1 - 80s even 8ths Rock [PSYK1.STY]

    This style emulates the big 'official' sound of some of the famous Rock groups of the 70s, 80s & 90s. The bass plays a repetitious rhythm figure throughout, the drums feature a big back-beat, the 28/1 guitar plays a rhythm groove and the Guitar Pinch is added at B to provide a power chord overdrive sound. T=90-120

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  • Psyk 12/8 - Slow 12/8 Pop/Rock [PSYK128.STY]

    This Style features a very slow 12/8 groove with 2 rhythmical feels; the 12/8 meter stays the same, but the beat emphasis and feel change at B. This is typical with triplet feels where changing the emphasis of certain beats produces a whole new feel. The A section appears to be slow and the B section seems to be faster. In fact they are the same tempo (different feel). T=40-70

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  • Psyk 2 - Very slow ev.8 80s Rock [PSYK2.STY]

    This is a very slow and somber rock style with low synth pad sound over a 16th-based Rock feel. At A, the drums are playing a big back-beat even 8 rock rhythm, the bass is mainly playing whole notes, the Atmosphere plays a repeated ostinato and the synths are playing sustained pads. At B, the Atmosphere changes to strings which play an arpeggio figure and the intensity is increased. Sparse sustained bass, quiet 16th-based drums, pads, Atmosphere (arpeggios). T=50-80

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  • RapJazz 1 - Jazzy Hip-Hop [RAPJAZ1.STY]

    This is a Jazzy Hip Hop style with some minimal instrumental backing. Although this demo song has a melody present, normally this would be replaced by a rap vocal. The Standard Drums play a fairly repetitive rhythm groove, the Finger Slap Bass plays very short roots and fifths with lots of space; the Detuned Electric Piano 1 plays quiet sustained comping (with embellishment on); the Clean Electric Guitar plays short high shots on beat 4 and the strings play a low pad (higher at B). T=75-105

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  • RapJazz 2 - Jazzy Hip-Hop [RAPJAZ2.STY]

    This is a Jazzy Hip Hop style with some minimal instrumental backing in the style of some contemporary Hip-Hop and Rap groups. Although this demo song has a melody present, normally this would be replaced by a rap vocal. The drums use the Rap TR808 Drums set with a fairly repetative rhythm groove, the Finger Slap Bass plays very short roots and fifths with lots of space; the Detuned Electric Piano 1 plays quiet sustained comping (with embellishment on); the Clean Electric Guitar plays short high shots on beat 4 and the strings play a low pad (higher at B). T=75-105

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  • Reggae 5 - Triplet-based Reggae [REGAE5.STY]

    In this medium-tempo, triplet-feel Reggae style, the bass is quite busy and the bass patterns typically begin on the 'and of 1'. The drums use the Timbale for emphasis. The electric piano plays short bass note, followed by short right-hand comps. The electric guitar (28/1) plays short high 'chicks', playing in the same style. At B, the volume and intensity increases and Guitar Pinch 30/1 is added. T=100-140

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  • Shuffle 70s - Fast Sw.8 shuffle [SHUF70S.STY]

    In this raucous shuffle style, the bass uses Muted Electric Guitar (as muted bass). Piano plays bluesy riffs throughout. At B, add 'Oohs' as vocal background. The drums play brushes at A and switch to sticks at B. The acoustic guitar plays a shuffle rhythm strum. This style will work with any medium swing tempo. T=120-165

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  • Soft Rock - Ev.16 quiet Rock [SOFTROK.STY]

    Soft Rock Style: Even 16th, medium slow, quiet Rock. At A, the feel is spacey, with the guitars laying down sustained chords, the bass playing sustained notes, and the drums playing a quiet but hip syncopated rhythm. At B, the tempo stays the same but the feel changes to a 2- beat funk groove. So the A section has lots of space and the B section bumps it up a few notches. T=80-120

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  • Swing40s BigBand - Sw.8 & Brass [SW40BND.STY]

    Swing 40s Big Band Style: Fast Swing 8ths with Brass. To capture a Big Band sound, we chose to harmonize the melody using Harmony 17 - SuperSax. Then we converted the Harmony to the Melody track. The Brass play short answer shots throughout. The piano is un-busy since the tempo is fast. The Drums play a hi-hat style known as 'JoJones' at 'a' and move to ride at 'b'. In keeping with the 40s sound, the bass plays non-sustained notes and the guitar plays rhythm. T=150-300

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  • Top 40 Hip-Hop - Sw.16 Hip-Hop [TOP40HH.STY]

    Hip-Hop with a slightly-swung 16th feel. This is a Rap, Pop, Hip-Hop style featuring Electronic Drums playing a slightly-swung 16th groove. The Syn Bass 1 uses a very spacey approach at A, mainly playing on the downbeat of every 2nd bar, along with the Orchestra Hit. The Electric Piano 2 plays an un-busy comp with some fills and the strings provide a very soft pad. The idea with this approach is to leave plenty of room to feature the vocal and drums. At B, the bass is busier and the overall intensity is increased. T=80-120

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